A user pushes one or more commits to a repository. This payload comes with an event key of repo:refs_changed.

interface RepoRefsChanged {
    actor: repo.refsChanged.Actor;
    changes: repo.refsChanged.Change[];
    commits: Commit[];
    date: string;
    eventKey: "repo:refs_changed";
    repository: repo.refsChanged.Repository;
    toCommit: ToCommit;


The user who pushed the commits.

The details of the push.

commits: Commit[]

The details of the commit pushed.

By default, the maximum number of commits included is 5. If the number of commits pushed is greater than the limit set, the list will include only the most recent commits.

date: string
eventKey: "repo:refs_changed"

The repository with the commits.

toCommit: ToCommit