interface operations {
    bulkCreateOrUpdateAnnotations: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: readonly ({
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: readonly ({
                        type: "report_annotation";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                        created_on?: string;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        line?: number;
                        link?: string;
                        path?: string;
                            | "FAILED"
                            | "PASSED"
                            | "IGNORED"
                            | "SKIPPED";
                            | "CRITICAL"
                            | "HIGH"
                            | "LOW"
                            | "MEDIUM";
                        summary?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createDeploymentVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "deployment_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createEnvironment: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createOrUpdateAnnotation: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                annotationId: string;
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "report_annotation";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                        created_on?: string;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        line?: number;
                        link?: string;
                        path?: string;
                            | "FAILED"
                            | "PASSED"
                            | "IGNORED"
                            | "SKIPPED";
                            | "CRITICAL"
                            | "HIGH"
                            | "LOW"
                            | "MEDIUM";
                        summary?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createOrUpdateReport: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly {
                        title?: string;
                            | "BOOLEAN"
                            | "DATE"
                            | "DURATION"
                            | "LINK"
                            | "NUMBER"
                            | "PERCENTAGE"
                            | "TEXT";
                        value?: Record<string, unknown>;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "report";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        data?: readonly {
                            title?: string;
                                | "BOOLEAN"
                                | "DATE"
                                | "DURATION"
                                | "LINK"
                                | "NUMBER"
                                | "PERCENTAGE"
                                | "TEXT";
                            value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        link?: string;
                        logo_url?: string;
                        remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                            | "BUG"
                            | "COVERAGE"
                            | "SECURITY"
                            | "TEST";
                        reporter?: string;
                        result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createPipelineForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly {
                        source: string;
                        uri: string;
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: {
                        type: "account";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        display_name?: string;
                        links?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            avatar?: ...;
                        uuid?: string;
                    links?: {
                        type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        self?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            href?: ...;
                        steps?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            href?: ...;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: (...) | (...);
                            clone?: (...) | (...);
                            commits?: (...) | (...);
                            downloads?: (...) | (...);
                            forks?: (...) | (...);
                            hooks?: (...) | (...);
                            html?: (...) | (...);
                            pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                            self?: (...) | (...);
                            watchers?: (...) | (...);
                        mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            links?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            target?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        } & {
                            default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                            merge_strategies?: ...;
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            created_on?: ...;
                            display_name?: ...;
                            links?: ...;
                            uuid?: ...;
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            created_on?: ...;
                            description?: ...;
                            has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                            is_private?: ...;
                            key?: ...;
                            links?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            owner?: ...;
                            updated_on?: ...;
                            uuid?: ...;
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_target";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    trigger?: {
                        type: "pipeline_trigger";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        build_number?: number;
                        build_seconds_used?: number;
                        completed_on?: string;
                        configuration_sources?: readonly {
                            source: string;
                            uri: string;
                        created_on?: string;
                        creator?: {
                            type: "account";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            display_name?: string;
                            links?: (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                        links?: {
                            type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        repository?: {
                            type: "repository";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            description?: string;
                            fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                            full_name?: string;
                            has_issues?: boolean;
                            has_wiki?: boolean;
                            is_private?: boolean;
                            language?: string;
                            links?: {
                                avatar?: ...;
                                clone?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                downloads?: ...;
                                forks?: ...;
                                hooks?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                pullrequests?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                                watchers?: ...;
                            mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            name?: string;
                            owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                            project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            scm?: "git";
                            size?: number;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                        state?: {
                            type: "pipeline_state";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        target?: {
                            type: "pipeline_target";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        trigger?: {
                            type: "pipeline_trigger";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        uuid?: string;
                        variables?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                            key?: (...) | (...);
                            secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                            uuid?: (...) | (...);
                            value?: (...) | (...);
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createPipelineVariableForTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createPipelineVariableForUser: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createPipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_known_host";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        hostname?: string;
                        public_key?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            key_type?: string;
                            md5_fingerprint?: string;
                            sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule_post_request_body";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    cron_pattern: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target: {
                        ref_name: string;
                        ref_type: "branch";
                        selector: never;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_schedule";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        cron_pattern?: string;
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        target?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                        } & Omit<{
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            ref_name?: string;
                                | "branch"
                                | "tag"
                                | "bookmark"
                                | "named_branch";
                            selector?: undefined;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            401: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    createRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            201: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: {
                    Location?: string;
                    [name: string]: unknown;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            409: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteAnnotation: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                annotationId: string;
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                commit: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteDeploymentVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteEnvironmentForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deletePipelineVariableForTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deletePipelineVariableForUser: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deletePipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deletePullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                pullrequest_id: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteReport: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineCache: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                cache_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineCaches: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query: {
                name: string;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineKeyPair: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                known_host_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                schedule_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    deleteUserHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                selected_user: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getAnnotation: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                annotationId: string;
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "report_annotation";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                        created_on?: string;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        line?: number;
                        link?: string;
                        path?: string;
                            | "FAILED"
                            | "PASSED"
                            | "IGNORED"
                            | "SKIPPED";
                            | "CRITICAL"
                            | "HIGH"
                            | "LOW"
                            | "MEDIUM";
                        summary?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getAnnotationsForReport: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "report_annotation";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                            created_on?: string;
                            details?: string;
                            external_id?: string;
                            line?: number;
                            link?: string;
                            path?: string;
                                | "FAILED"
                                | "PASSED"
                                | "IGNORED"
                                | "SKIPPED";
                                | "CRITICAL"
                                | "HIGH"
                                | "LOW"
                                | "MEDIUM";
                            summary?: string;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                commit: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getDeploymentForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                deployment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "deployment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        environment?: {
                            type: "deployment_environment";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            name?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                        release?: {
                            type: "deployment_release";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            created_on?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            url?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                        state?: {
                            type: "deployment_state";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getDeploymentsForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "deployment";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getDeploymentVariables: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "deployment_variable";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            secured?: boolean;
                            uuid?: string;
                            value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getEnvironmentForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getEnvironmentsForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "deployment_environment";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            name?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getOIDCConfiguration: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getOIDCKeys: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineContainerLog: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                log_uuid: string;
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        build_number?: number;
                        build_seconds_used?: number;
                        completed_on?: string;
                        configuration_sources?: readonly {
                            source: string;
                            uri: string;
                        created_on?: string;
                        creator?: {
                            type: "account";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            display_name?: string;
                            links?: (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                        links?: {
                            type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        repository?: {
                            type: "repository";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            description?: string;
                            fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                            full_name?: string;
                            has_issues?: boolean;
                            has_wiki?: boolean;
                            is_private?: boolean;
                            language?: string;
                            links?: {
                                avatar?: ...;
                                clone?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                downloads?: ...;
                                forks?: ...;
                                hooks?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                pullrequests?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                                watchers?: ...;
                            mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            name?: string;
                            owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                            project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            scm?: "git";
                            size?: number;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                        state?: {
                            type: "pipeline_state";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        target?: {
                            type: "pipeline_target";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        trigger?: {
                            type: "pipeline_trigger";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        uuid?: string;
                        variables?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                            key?: (...) | (...);
                            secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                            uuid?: (...) | (...);
                            value?: (...) | (...);
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelinesForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            build_number?: number;
                            build_seconds_used?: number;
                            completed_on?: string;
                            configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                            created_on?: string;
                            creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                            variables?: readonly (...)[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineStepForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_step";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        completed_on?: string;
                        image?: {
                            email?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            password?: string;
                            username?: string;
                        script_commands?: readonly {
                            command?: string;
                            name?: string;
                        setup_commands?: readonly {
                            command?: string;
                            name?: string;
                        started_on?: string;
                        state?: {
                            type: "pipeline_step_state";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineStepLogForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            304: {
                content: {
                    application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            416: {
                content: {
                    application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineStepsForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_step";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            completed_on?: string;
                            image?: {
                                email?: ...;
                                name?: ...;
                                password?: ...;
                                username?: ...;
                            script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                            setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                            started_on?: string;
                            state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineTestReports: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineTestReportTestCaseReasons: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                test_case_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineTestReportTestCases: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                step_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariableForTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariableForUser: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariablesForTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            secured?: boolean;
                            uuid?: string;
                            value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariablesForUser: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
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                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            secured?: boolean;
                            uuid?: string;
                            value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPipelineVariablesForWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
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                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            secured?: boolean;
                            uuid?: string;
                            value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                pullrequest_id: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getPullrequestsForCommit: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: {
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pullrequest";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            close_source_branch?: boolean;
                            closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            comment_count?: number;
                            created_on?: string;
                            destination?: {
                                branch?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                repository?: ...;
                            id?: number;
                            links?: {
                                activity?: ...;
                                approve?: ...;
                                comments?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                decline?: ...;
                                diff?: ...;
                                diffstat?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                merge?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                            merge_commit?: {
                                hash?: ...;
                            participants?: readonly (...)[];
                            reason?: string;
                            rendered?: {
                                description?: ...;
                                reason?: ...;
                                title?: ...;
                            reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                            source?: {
                                branch?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                repository?: ...;
                                | "DECLINED"
                                | "MERGED"
                                | "OPEN"
                                | "SUPERSEDED";
                            summary?: {
                                html?: ...;
                                markup?: ...;
                                raw?: ...;
                            task_count?: number;
                            title?: string;
                            updated_on?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
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                content: {
                    application/json: {
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                        pagelen?: number;
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                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            close_source_branch?: boolean;
                            closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            comment_count?: number;
                            created_on?: string;
                            destination?: {
                                branch?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                repository?: ...;
                            id?: number;
                            links?: {
                                activity?: ...;
                                approve?: ...;
                                comments?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                decline?: ...;
                                diff?: ...;
                                diffstat?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                merge?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                            merge_commit?: {
                                hash?: ...;
                            participants?: readonly (...)[];
                            reason?: string;
                            rendered?: {
                                description?: ...;
                                reason?: ...;
                                title?: ...;
                            reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                            source?: {
                                branch?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                repository?: ...;
                                | "DECLINED"
                                | "MERGED"
                                | "OPEN"
                                | "SUPERSEDED";
                            summary?: {
                                html?: ...;
                                markup?: ...;
                                raw?: ...;
                            task_count?: number;
                            title?: string;
                            updated_on?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getReport: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                reportId: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "report";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
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                        data?: readonly {
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                                | "LINK"
                                | "NUMBER"
                                | "PERCENTAGE"
                                | "TEXT";
                            value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        link?: string;
                        logo_url?: string;
                        remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                            | "BUG"
                            | "COVERAGE"
                            | "SECURITY"
                            | "TEST";
                        reporter?: string;
                        result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getReportsForCommit: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                commit: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
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                        pagelen?: number;
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                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            data?: readonly (...)[];
                            details?: string;
                            external_id?: string;
                            link?: string;
                            logo_url?: string;
                            remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                                | "BUG"
                                | "COVERAGE"
                                | "SECURITY"
                                | "TEST";
                            reporter?: string;
                            result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                            title?: string;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineCacheContentURI: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                cache_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        uri?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineCaches: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
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                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
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                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            file_size_bytes?: number;
                            key_hash?: string;
                            name?: string;
                            path?: string;
                            pipeline_uuid?: string;
                            step_uuid?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineConfig: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipelines_config";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        repository?: {
                            type: "repository";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
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                            description?: string;
                            fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                            full_name?: string;
                            has_issues?: boolean;
                            has_wiki?: boolean;
                            is_private?: boolean;
                            language?: string;
                            links?: {
                                avatar?: ...;
                                clone?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                downloads?: ...;
                                forks?: ...;
                                hooks?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                pullrequests?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                                watchers?: ...;
                            mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            name?: string;
                            owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                            project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            scm?: "git";
                            size?: number;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                known_host_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_known_host";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        hostname?: string;
                        public_key?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            key_type?: string;
                            md5_fingerprint?: string;
                            sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineKnownHosts: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
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                        pagelen?: number;
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                            type: "pipeline_known_host";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            hostname?: string;
                            public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                schedule_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_schedule";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        cron_pattern?: string;
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        target?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                        } & Omit<{
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            ref_name?: string;
                                | "branch"
                                | "tag"
                                | "bookmark"
                                | "named_branch";
                            selector?: undefined;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineScheduleExecutions: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                schedule_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
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                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineSchedules: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
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                            type: "pipeline_schedule";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            cron_pattern?: string;
                            enabled?: boolean;
                            target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineSshKeyPair: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        private_key?: string;
                        public_key?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    getRepositoryPipelineVariables: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly ({
                            type: "pipeline_variable";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            secured?: boolean;
                            uuid?: string;
                            value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    retrieveUserHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                selected_user: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    searchAccount: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
            query: {
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                search_query: string;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        query_substituted?: boolean;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly {
                            content_match_count?: number;
                            content_matches?: readonly {
                                lines?: ...;
                            file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                                attributes?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                escaped_path?: ...;
                                path?: ...;
                                type: ...;
                            path_matches?: readonly {
                                match?: ...;
                                text?: ...;
                            type?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            429: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    searchTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
            query: {
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                search_query: string;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        query_substituted?: boolean;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly {
                            content_match_count?: number;
                            content_matches?: readonly {
                                lines?: ...;
                            file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                                attributes?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                escaped_path?: ...;
                                path?: ...;
                                type: ...;
                            path_matches?: readonly {
                                match?: ...;
                                text?: ...;
                            type?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            429: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    searchWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                workspace: string;
            query: {
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                search_query: string;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        next?: string;
                        page?: number;
                        pagelen?: number;
                        previous?: string;
                        query_substituted?: boolean;
                        size?: number;
                        values?: readonly {
                            content_match_count?: number;
                            content_matches?: readonly {
                                lines?: ...;
                            file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                                attributes?: ...;
                                commit?: ...;
                                escaped_path?: ...;
                                path?: ...;
                                type: ...;
                            path_matches?: readonly {
                                match?: ...;
                                text?: ...;
                            type?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            429: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    stopPipeline: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                pipeline_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                commit: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateDeploymentVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "deployment_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateEnvironmentForRepository: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                environment_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody?: undefined;
        responses: {
            202: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updatePipelineVariableForTeam: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                username: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updatePipelineVariableForUser: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                selected_user: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updatePipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updatePullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                pullrequest_id: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryBuildNumber: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_build_number";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    next?: number;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_build_number";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        next?: number;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            400: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryPipelineConfig: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipelines_config";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: (...) | (...);
                            clone?: (...) | (...);
                            commits?: (...) | (...);
                            downloads?: (...) | (...);
                            forks?: (...) | (...);
                            hooks?: (...) | (...);
                            html?: (...) | (...);
                            pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                            self?: (...) | (...);
                            watchers?: (...) | (...);
                        mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            links?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            target?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        } & {
                            default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                            merge_strategies?: ...;
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            created_on?: ...;
                            display_name?: ...;
                            links?: ...;
                            uuid?: ...;
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: {
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                            created_on?: ...;
                            description?: ...;
                            has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                            is_private?: ...;
                            key?: ...;
                            links?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            owner?: ...;
                            updated_on?: ...;
                            uuid?: ...;
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipelines_config";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        repository?: {
                            type: "repository";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            created_on?: string;
                            description?: string;
                            fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                            full_name?: string;
                            has_issues?: boolean;
                            has_wiki?: boolean;
                            is_private?: boolean;
                            language?: string;
                            links?: {
                                avatar?: ...;
                                clone?: ...;
                                commits?: ...;
                                downloads?: ...;
                                forks?: ...;
                                hooks?: ...;
                                html?: ...;
                                pullrequests?: ...;
                                self?: ...;
                                watchers?: ...;
                            mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                            name?: string;
                            owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                            project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            scm?: "git";
                            size?: number;
                            updated_on?: string;
                            uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryPipelineKeyPair: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    private_key?: string;
                    public_key?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        private_key?: string;
                        public_key?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                known_host_uuid: string;
                repo_slug: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_known_host";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        hostname?: string;
                        public_key?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                        } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                            type: ...;
                        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            key?: string;
                            key_type?: string;
                            md5_fingerprint?: string;
                            sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                schedule_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule_put_request_body";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_schedule";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        cron_pattern?: string;
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        target?: {
                            type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                        } & Omit<{
                            type: ...;
                        } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                            commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                            ref_name?: string;
                                | "branch"
                                | "tag"
                                | "bookmark"
                                | "named_branch";
                            selector?: undefined;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                repo_slug: string;
                variable_uuid: string;
                workspace: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        responses: {
            200: {
                content: {
                    application/json: {
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        type: string;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            404: {
                content: {
                    application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        error?: {
                            data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                            detail?: string;
                            message: string;
                        type: string;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    updateUserHostedPropertyValue: {
        parameters: {
            cookie?: undefined;
            header?: undefined;
            path: {
                app_key: string;
                property_name: string;
                selected_user: string;
            query?: undefined;
        requestBody: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        responses: {
            204: {
                content?: undefined;
                headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


bulkCreateOrUpdateAnnotations createDeploymentVariable createEnvironment createOrUpdateAnnotation createOrUpdateReport createPipelineForRepository createPipelineVariableForTeam createPipelineVariableForUser createPipelineVariableForWorkspace createRepositoryPipelineKnownHost createRepositoryPipelineSchedule createRepositoryPipelineVariable deleteAnnotation deleteCommitHostedPropertyValue deleteDeploymentVariable deleteEnvironmentForRepository deletePipelineVariableForTeam deletePipelineVariableForUser deletePipelineVariableForWorkspace deletePullRequestHostedPropertyValue deleteReport deleteRepositoryHostedPropertyValue deleteRepositoryPipelineCache deleteRepositoryPipelineCaches deleteRepositoryPipelineKeyPair deleteRepositoryPipelineKnownHost deleteRepositoryPipelineSchedule deleteRepositoryPipelineVariable deleteUserHostedPropertyValue getAnnotation getAnnotationsForReport getCommitHostedPropertyValue getDeploymentForRepository getDeploymentsForRepository getDeploymentVariables getEnvironmentForRepository getEnvironmentsForRepository getOIDCConfiguration getOIDCKeys getPipelineContainerLog getPipelineForRepository getPipelinesForRepository getPipelineStepForRepository getPipelineStepLogForRepository getPipelineStepsForRepository getPipelineTestReports getPipelineTestReportTestCaseReasons getPipelineTestReportTestCases getPipelineVariableForTeam getPipelineVariableForUser getPipelineVariableForWorkspace getPipelineVariablesForTeam getPipelineVariablesForUser getPipelineVariablesForWorkspace getPullRequestHostedPropertyValue getPullrequestsForCommit getReport getReportsForCommit getRepositoryHostedPropertyValue getRepositoryPipelineCacheContentURI getRepositoryPipelineCaches getRepositoryPipelineConfig getRepositoryPipelineKnownHost getRepositoryPipelineKnownHosts getRepositoryPipelineSchedule getRepositoryPipelineScheduleExecutions getRepositoryPipelineSchedules getRepositoryPipelineSshKeyPair getRepositoryPipelineVariable getRepositoryPipelineVariables retrieveUserHostedPropertyValue searchAccount searchTeam searchWorkspace stopPipeline updateCommitHostedPropertyValue updateDeploymentVariable updateEnvironmentForRepository updatePipelineVariableForTeam updatePipelineVariableForUser updatePipelineVariableForWorkspace updatePullRequestHostedPropertyValue updateRepositoryBuildNumber updateRepositoryHostedPropertyValue updateRepositoryPipelineConfig updateRepositoryPipelineKeyPair updateRepositoryPipelineKnownHost updateRepositoryPipelineSchedule updateRepositoryPipelineVariable updateUserHostedPropertyValue


bulkCreateOrUpdateAnnotations: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: readonly ({
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: readonly ({
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit for which to retrieve reports.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Uuid or external-if of the report for which to get annotations for.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: readonly ({
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The annotations to create or update

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: readonly ({
              type: "report_annotation";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
              created_on?: string;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              line?: number;
              link?: string;
              path?: string;
                  | "FAILED"
                  | "PASSED"
                  | "IGNORED"
                  | "SKIPPED";
                  | "CRITICAL"
                  | "HIGH"
                  | "LOW"
                  | "MEDIUM";
              summary?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: readonly ({
            type: "report_annotation";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
            created_on?: string;
            details?: string;
            external_id?: string;
            line?: number;
            link?: string;
            path?: string;
                | "FAILED"
                | "PASSED"
                | "IGNORED"
                | "SKIPPED";
                | "CRITICAL"
                | "HIGH"
                | "LOW"
                | "MEDIUM";
            summary?: string;
            updated_on?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: readonly ({
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: readonly ({
                  type: "report_annotation";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                  created_on?: string;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  line?: number;
                  link?: string;
                  path?: string;
                      | "FAILED"
                      | "PASSED"
                      | "IGNORED"
                      | "SKIPPED";
                      | "CRITICAL"
                      | "HIGH"
                      | "LOW"
                      | "MEDIUM";
                  summary?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: readonly ({
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: readonly ({
              type: "report_annotation";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
              created_on?: string;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              line?: number;
              link?: string;
              path?: string;
                  | "FAILED"
                  | "PASSED"
                  | "IGNORED"
                  | "SKIPPED";
                  | "CRITICAL"
                  | "HIGH"
                  | "LOW"
                  | "MEDIUM";
              summary?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createDeploymentVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

    The variable to create

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "deployment_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "deployment_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "deployment_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The variable was created.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "deployment_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created variable.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository, environment or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A variable with the provided key already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createEnvironment: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_environment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                name?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_environment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                name?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The environment to create.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "deployment_environment";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              name?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "deployment_environment";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            name?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "deployment_environment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  name?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The environment was created.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_environment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                name?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "deployment_environment";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              name?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created environment.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An environment host with the provided name already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createOrUpdateAnnotation: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          annotationId: string;
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • ReadonlyannotationId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the annotation.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the report belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the report.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The annotation to create or update

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "report_annotation";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
              created_on?: string;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              line?: number;
              link?: string;
              path?: string;
                  | "FAILED"
                  | "PASSED"
                  | "IGNORED"
                  | "SKIPPED";
                  | "CRITICAL"
                  | "HIGH"
                  | "LOW"
                  | "MEDIUM";
              summary?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "report_annotation";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
            created_on?: string;
            details?: string;
            external_id?: string;
            line?: number;
            link?: string;
            path?: string;
                | "FAILED"
                | "PASSED"
                | "IGNORED"
                | "SKIPPED";
                | "CRITICAL"
                | "HIGH"
                | "LOW"
                | "MEDIUM";
            summary?: string;
            updated_on?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "report_annotation";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                  created_on?: string;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  line?: number;
                  link?: string;
                  path?: string;
                      | "FAILED"
                      | "PASSED"
                      | "IGNORED"
                      | "SKIPPED";
                      | "CRITICAL"
                      | "HIGH"
                      | "LOW"
                      | "MEDIUM";
                  summary?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "report_annotation";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
              created_on?: string;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              line?: number;
              link?: string;
              path?: string;
                  | "FAILED"
                  | "PASSED"
                  | "IGNORED"
                  | "SKIPPED";
                  | "CRITICAL"
                  | "HIGH"
                  | "LOW"
                  | "MEDIUM";
              summary?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The provided Annotation object is malformed or incomplete.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createOrUpdateReport: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                data?: readonly {
                    title?: string;
                        | "BOOLEAN"
                        | "DATE"
                        | "DURATION"
                        | "LINK"
                        | "NUMBER"
                        | "PERCENTAGE"
                        | "TEXT";
                    value?: Record<string, unknown>;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                link?: string;
                logo_url?: string;
                remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                    | "BUG"
                    | "COVERAGE"
                    | "SECURITY"
                    | "TEST";
                reporter?: string;
                result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly {
                        title?: string;
                            | "BOOLEAN"
                            | "DATE"
                            | "DURATION"
                            | "LINK"
                            | "NUMBER"
                            | "PERCENTAGE"
                            | "TEXT";
                        value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the report belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the report.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                data?: readonly {
                    title?: string;
                        | "BOOLEAN"
                        | "DATE"
                        | "DURATION"
                        | "LINK"
                        | "NUMBER"
                        | "PERCENTAGE"
                        | "TEXT";
                    value?: Record<string, unknown>;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                link?: string;
                logo_url?: string;
                remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                    | "BUG"
                    | "COVERAGE"
                    | "SECURITY"
                    | "TEST";
                reporter?: string;
                result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The report to create or update

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "report";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              data?: readonly {
                  title?: string;
                      | "BOOLEAN"
                      | "DATE"
                      | "DURATION"
                      | "LINK"
                      | "NUMBER"
                      | "PERCENTAGE"
                      | "TEXT";
                  value?: Record<string, unknown>;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              link?: string;
              logo_url?: string;
              remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                  | "BUG"
                  | "COVERAGE"
                  | "SECURITY"
                  | "TEST";
              reporter?: string;
              result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
              title?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "report";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            created_on?: string;
            data?: readonly {
                title?: string;
                    | "BOOLEAN"
                    | "DATE"
                    | "DURATION"
                    | "LINK"
                    | "NUMBER"
                    | "PERCENTAGE"
                    | "TEXT";
                value?: Record<string, unknown>;
            details?: string;
            external_id?: string;
            link?: string;
            logo_url?: string;
            remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                | "BUG"
                | "COVERAGE"
                | "SECURITY"
                | "TEST";
            reporter?: string;
            result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
            title?: string;
            updated_on?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly {
                        title?: string;
                            | "BOOLEAN"
                            | "DATE"
                            | "DURATION"
                            | "LINK"
                            | "NUMBER"
                            | "PERCENTAGE"
                            | "TEXT";
                        value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "report";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  data?: readonly {
                      title?: string;
                          | "BOOLEAN"
                          | "DATE"
                          | "DURATION"
                          | "LINK"
                          | "NUMBER"
                          | "PERCENTAGE"
                          | "TEXT";
                      value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  link?: string;
                  logo_url?: string;
                  remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                      | "BUG"
                      | "COVERAGE"
                      | "SECURITY"
                      | "TEST";
                  reporter?: string;
                  result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                  title?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                data?: readonly {
                    title?: string;
                        | "BOOLEAN"
                        | "DATE"
                        | "DURATION"
                        | "LINK"
                        | "NUMBER"
                        | "PERCENTAGE"
                        | "TEXT";
                    value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                link?: string;
                logo_url?: string;
                remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                    | "BUG"
                    | "COVERAGE"
                    | "SECURITY"
                    | "TEST";
                reporter?: string;
                result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "report";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              data?: readonly {
                  title?: string;
                      | "BOOLEAN"
                      | "DATE"
                      | "DURATION"
                      | "LINK"
                      | "NUMBER"
                      | "PERCENTAGE"
                      | "TEXT";
                  value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              link?: string;
              logo_url?: string;
              remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                  | "BUG"
                  | "COVERAGE"
                  | "SECURITY"
                  | "TEST";
              reporter?: string;
              result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
              title?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The provided Report object is malformed or incomplete.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createPipelineForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                build_number?: number;
                build_seconds_used?: number;
                completed_on?: string;
                configuration_sources?: readonly {
                    source: string;
                    uri: string;
                created_on?: string;
                creator?: {
                    type: "account";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    display_name?: string;
                    links?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        avatar?: ...;
                    uuid?: string;
                links?: {
                    type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    self?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        href?: ...;
                    steps?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        href?: ...;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: (...) | (...);
                        clone?: (...) | (...);
                        commits?: (...) | (...);
                        downloads?: (...) | (...);
                        forks?: (...) | (...);
                        hooks?: (...) | (...);
                        html?: (...) | (...);
                        pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                        self?: (...) | (...);
                        watchers?: (...) | (...);
                    mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        target?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    } & {
                        default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                        merge_strategies?: ...;
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        display_name?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        description?: ...;
                        has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                        is_private?: ...;
                        key?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        owner?: ...;
                        updated_on?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "pipeline_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_target";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                trigger?: {
                    type: "pipeline_trigger";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                uuid?: string;
                variables?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly {
                        source: string;
                        uri: string;
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: {
                        type: "account";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        display_name?: string;
                        links?: (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                    links?: {
                        type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_target";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    trigger?: {
                        type: "pipeline_trigger";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        key?: (...) | (...);
                        secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                        uuid?: (...) | (...);
                        value?: (...) | (...);
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                build_number?: number;
                build_seconds_used?: number;
                completed_on?: string;
                configuration_sources?: readonly {
                    source: string;
                    uri: string;
                created_on?: string;
                creator?: {
                    type: "account";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    display_name?: string;
                    links?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        avatar?: ...;
                    uuid?: string;
                links?: {
                    type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    self?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        href?: ...;
                    steps?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        href?: ...;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: (...) | (...);
                        clone?: (...) | (...);
                        commits?: (...) | (...);
                        downloads?: (...) | (...);
                        forks?: (...) | (...);
                        hooks?: (...) | (...);
                        html?: (...) | (...);
                        pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                        self?: (...) | (...);
                        watchers?: (...) | (...);
                    mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        target?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    } & {
                        default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                        merge_strategies?: ...;
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        display_name?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        description?: ...;
                        has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                        is_private?: ...;
                        key?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        owner?: ...;
                        updated_on?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "pipeline_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_target";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                trigger?: {
                    type: "pipeline_trigger";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                uuid?: string;
                variables?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;

    The pipeline to initiate.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              build_number?: number;
              build_seconds_used?: number;
              completed_on?: string;
              configuration_sources?: readonly {
                  source: string;
                  uri: string;
              created_on?: string;
              creator?: {
                  type: "account";
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                  created_on?: string;
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                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
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                      type: ...;
                  } & {
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                      merge_strategies?: ...;
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                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
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                      name?: ...;
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              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
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              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
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                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
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                  type: "pipeline_variable";
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                self?: {
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                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
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                type: "repository";
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                links?: {
                    avatar?: (...) | (...);
                    clone?: (...) | (...);
                    commits?: (...) | (...);
                    downloads?: (...) | (...);
                    forks?: (...) | (...);
                    hooks?: (...) | (...);
                    html?: (...) | (...);
                    pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                    self?: (...) | (...);
                    watchers?: (...) | (...);
                mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                    links?: ...;
                    name?: ...;
                    target?: ...;
                    type: ...;
                } & {
                    default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                    merge_strategies?: ...;
                name?: string;
                owner?: {
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                    created_on?: ...;
                    display_name?: ...;
                    links?: ...;
                    uuid?: ...;
                parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                project?: {
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                    created_on?: ...;
                    description?: ...;
                    has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                    is_private?: ...;
                    key?: ...;
                    links?: ...;
                    name?: ...;
                    owner?: ...;
                    updated_on?: ...;
                    uuid?: ...;
                scm?: "git";
                size?: number;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
            state?: {
                type: "pipeline_state";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            target?: {
                type: "pipeline_target";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            trigger?: {
                type: "pipeline_trigger";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
            uuid?: string;
            variables?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly {
                        source: string;
                        uri: string;
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: {
                        type: "account";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        display_name?: string;
                        links?: (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                    links?: {
                        type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_target";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    trigger?: {
                        type: "pipeline_trigger";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        key?: (...) | (...);
                        secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                        uuid?: (...) | (...);
                        value?: (...) | (...);
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  build_number?: number;
                  build_seconds_used?: number;
                  completed_on?: string;
                  configuration_sources?: readonly {
                      source: string;
                      uri: string;
                  created_on?: string;
                  creator?: {
                      type: "account";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      display_name?: string;
                      links?: (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
                  links?: {
                      type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  repository?: {
                      type: "repository";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      description?: string;
                      fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                      full_name?: string;
                      has_issues?: boolean;
                      has_wiki?: boolean;
                      is_private?: boolean;
                      language?: string;
                      links?: {
                          avatar?: ...;
                          clone?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          downloads?: ...;
                          forks?: ...;
                          hooks?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          pullrequests?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                          watchers?: ...;
                      mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      name?: string;
                      owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                      project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      scm?: "git";
                      size?: number;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
                  state?: {
                      type: "pipeline_state";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  target?: {
                      type: "pipeline_target";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  trigger?: {
                      type: "pipeline_trigger";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  uuid?: string;
                  variables?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                      key?: (...) | (...);
                      secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      uuid?: (...) | (...);
                      value?: (...) | (...);
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The initiated pipeline.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                build_number?: number;
                build_seconds_used?: number;
                completed_on?: string;
                configuration_sources?: readonly {
                    source: string;
                    uri: string;
                created_on?: string;
                creator?: {
                    type: "account";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    display_name?: string;
                    links?: (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
                links?: {
                    type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
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                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: ...;
                        clone?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        downloads?: ...;
                        forks?: ...;
                        hooks?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        pullrequests?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                        watchers?: ...;
                    mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
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                    scm?: "git";
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                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "pipeline_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
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                    type: "pipeline_target";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                trigger?: {
                    type: "pipeline_trigger";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
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                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    key?: (...) | (...);
                    secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                    uuid?: (...) | (...);
                    value?: (...) | (...);
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              build_number?: number;
              build_seconds_used?: number;
              completed_on?: string;
              configuration_sources?: readonly {
                  source: string;
                  uri: string;
              created_on?: string;
              creator?: {
                  type: "account";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  display_name?: string;
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                  steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
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                  type: "repository";
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                  type: ...;
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                  has_issues?: boolean;
                  has_wiki?: boolean;
                  is_private?: boolean;
                  language?: string;
                  links?: {
                      avatar?: ...;
                      clone?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      downloads?: ...;
                      forks?: ...;
                      hooks?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      pullrequests?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                      watchers?: ...;
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                  owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                  project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  scm?: "git";
                  size?: number;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
              state?: {
                  type: "pipeline_state";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              target?: {
                  type: "pipeline_target";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              trigger?: {
                  type: "pipeline_trigger";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              uuid?: string;
              variables?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                  key?: (...) | (...);
                  secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  uuid?: (...) | (...);
                  value?: (...) | (...);
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline.

    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository is not enabled, the yml file does not exist in the repository for the given revision, or the request body contained invalid properties.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createPipelineVariableForTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The created variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline variable.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A variable with the provided key already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createPipelineVariableForUser: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The created variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline variable.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A variable with the provided key already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createPipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The created variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline variable.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A variable with the provided key already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The known host to create.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_known_host";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              hostname?: string;
              public_key?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  key_type?: string;
                  md5_fingerprint?: string;
                  sha256_fingerprint?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_known_host";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            hostname?: string;
            public_key?: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                key_type?: string;
                md5_fingerprint?: string;
                sha256_fingerprint?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_known_host";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  hostname?: string;
                  public_key?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      key_type?: string;
                      md5_fingerprint?: string;
                      sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The known host was created.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_known_host";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              hostname?: string;
              public_key?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  key_type?: string;
                  md5_fingerprint?: string;
                  sha256_fingerprint?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline known host.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A known host with the provided hostname already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule_post_request_body";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                cron_pattern: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target: {
                    ref_name: string;
                    ref_type: "branch";
                    selector: never;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        401: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule_post_request_body";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                cron_pattern: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target: {
                    ref_name: string;
                    ref_type: "branch";
                    selector: never;

    The schedule to create.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_schedule_post_request_body";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              cron_pattern: string;
              enabled?: boolean;
              target: {
                  ref_name: string;
                  ref_type: "branch";
                  selector: never;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_schedule_post_request_body";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            cron_pattern: string;
            enabled?: boolean;
            target: {
                ref_name: string;
                ref_type: "branch";
                selector: never;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        401: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_schedule";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  cron_pattern?: string;
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  target?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                  } & Omit<{
                      type: ...;
                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      ref_name?: string;
                          | "branch"
                          | "tag"
                          | "bookmark"
                          | "named_branch";
                      selector?: undefined;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The created schedule.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                cron_pattern?: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                } & Omit<{
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    ref_name?: string;
                        | "branch"
                        | "tag"
                        | "bookmark"
                        | "named_branch";
                    selector?: undefined;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_schedule";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              cron_pattern?: string;
              enabled?: boolean;
              target?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ref_target";
              } & Omit<{
                  type: ...;
              } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  ref_name?: string;
                      | "branch"
                      | "tag"
                      | "bookmark"
                      | "named_branch";
                  selector?: undefined;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created schedule.

    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      There were errors validating the request.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly401: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The maximum limit of schedules for this repository was reached.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
createRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

    The variable to create.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        201: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: {
                Location?: string;
                [name: string]: unknown;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        409: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly201: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: {
              Location?: string;
              [name: string]: unknown;

      The variable was created.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: {
            Location?: string;
            [name: string]: unknown;
        • [name: string]: unknown
        • Optional ReadonlyLocation?: string

          The URL of the newly created pipeline variable.

    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly409: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A variable with the provided key already exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteAnnotation: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          annotationId: string;
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • ReadonlyannotationId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the annotation.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the annotation belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the annotation.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No content

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          commit: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteDeploymentVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to delete.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository, environment or variable with given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteEnvironmentForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment UUID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The environment was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account or repository with the UUID provided exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deletePipelineVariableForTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to delete.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was deleted

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or the variable with the provided UUID does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deletePipelineVariableForUser: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to delete.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was deleted

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or the variable with the provided UUID does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deletePipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to delete.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was deleted

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace or the variable with the provided UUID does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deletePullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          pullrequest_id: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlypullrequest_id: string

        The pull request ID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteReport: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the report belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the report.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No content

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineCache: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            cache_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            cache_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          cache_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycache_uuid: string

        The UUID of the cache to delete.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The cache was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace, repository or cache_uuid with given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineCaches: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query: {
            name: string;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query: {
            name: string;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The account.

    • Readonlyquery: {
          name: string;
      • Readonlyname: string

        The cache name.

  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The caches were deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace, repository or cache name was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineKeyPair: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The SSH key pair was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or SSH key pair was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          known_host_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyknown_host_uuid: string

        The UUID of the known host to delete.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The known host was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or known host with given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          schedule_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyschedule_uuid: string

        The uuid of the schedule.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The schedule was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or schedule was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to delete.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was deleted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or variable with given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
deleteUserHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getAnnotation: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            annotationId: string;
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          annotationId: string;
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • ReadonlyannotationId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the annotation.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the report belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the report.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "report_annotation";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                  created_on?: string;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  line?: number;
                  link?: string;
                  path?: string;
                      | "FAILED"
                      | "PASSED"
                      | "IGNORED"
                      | "SKIPPED";
                      | "CRITICAL"
                      | "HIGH"
                      | "LOW"
                      | "MEDIUM";
                  summary?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "report_annotation";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
              created_on?: string;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              line?: number;
              link?: string;
              path?: string;
                  | "FAILED"
                  | "PASSED"
                  | "IGNORED"
                  | "SKIPPED";
                  | "CRITICAL"
                  | "HIGH"
                  | "LOW"
                  | "MEDIUM";
              summary?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The annotation with the given ID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getAnnotationsForReport: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "report_annotation";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                        created_on?: string;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        line?: number;
                        link?: string;
                        path?: string;
                            | "FAILED"
                            | "PASSED"
                            | "IGNORED"
                            | "SKIPPED";
                            | "CRITICAL"
                            | "HIGH"
                            | "LOW"
                            | "MEDIUM";
                        summary?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit for which to retrieve reports.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Uuid or external-if of the report for which to get annotations for.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "report_annotation";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                        created_on?: string;
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        line?: number;
                        link?: string;
                        path?: string;
                            | "FAILED"
                            | "PASSED"
                            | "IGNORED"
                            | "SKIPPED";
                            | "CRITICAL"
                            | "HIGH"
                            | "LOW"
                            | "MEDIUM";
                        summary?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "report_annotation";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                      created_on?: string;
                      details?: string;
                      external_id?: string;
                      line?: number;
                      link?: string;
                      path?: string;
                          | "FAILED"
                          | "PASSED"
                          | "IGNORED"
                          | "SKIPPED";
                          | "CRITICAL"
                          | "HIGH"
                          | "LOW"
                          | "MEDIUM";
                      summary?: string;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "report_annotation";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                    created_on?: string;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    line?: number;
                    link?: string;
                    path?: string;
                        | "FAILED"
                        | "PASSED"
                        | "IGNORED"
                        | "SKIPPED";
                        | "CRITICAL"
                        | "HIGH"
                        | "LOW"
                        | "MEDIUM";
                    summary?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "report_annotation";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                  created_on?: string;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  line?: number;
                  link?: string;
                  path?: string;
                      | "FAILED"
                      | "PASSED"
                      | "IGNORED"
                      | "SKIPPED";
                      | "CRITICAL"
                      | "HIGH"
                      | "LOW"
                      | "MEDIUM";
                  summary?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "report_annotation";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                annotation_type?: "BUG" | "CODE_SMELL" | "VULNERABILITY";
                created_on?: string;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                line?: number;
                link?: string;
                path?: string;
                    | "FAILED"
                    | "PASSED"
                    | "IGNORED"
                    | "SKIPPED";
                    | "CRITICAL"
                    | "HIGH"
                    | "LOW"
                    | "MEDIUM";
                summary?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          commit: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The value of the property.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getDeploymentForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            deployment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    environment?: {
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    release?: {
                        type: "deployment_release";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        created_on?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        url?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "deployment_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            deployment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          deployment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlydeployment_uuid: string

        The deployment UUID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    environment?: {
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    release?: {
                        type: "deployment_release";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        created_on?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        url?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "deployment_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "deployment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  environment?: {
                      type: "deployment_environment";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      name?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
                  release?: {
                      type: "deployment_release";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      created_on?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      url?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
                  state?: {
                      type: "deployment_state";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The deployment.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                environment?: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                release?: {
                    type: "deployment_release";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    created_on?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    url?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "deployment_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "deployment";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              environment?: {
                  type: "deployment_environment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  name?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
              release?: {
                  type: "deployment_release";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  created_on?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  url?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
              state?: {
                  type: "deployment_state";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository or deployment with the UUID provided exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getDeploymentsForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "deployment";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The matching deployments.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "deployment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "deployment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "deployment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                environment?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                release?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getDeploymentVariables: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "deployment_variable";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      secured?: boolean;
                      uuid?: string;
                      value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The retrieved deployment variables.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "deployment_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getEnvironmentForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment UUID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "deployment_environment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  name?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The environment.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_environment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                name?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "deployment_environment";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              name?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository or environment with the UUID provided exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getEnvironmentsForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "deployment_environment";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        name?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "deployment_environment";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      name?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The matching environments.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "deployment_environment";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    name?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "deployment_environment";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  name?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "deployment_environment";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                name?: string;
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getOIDCConfiguration: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The OpenID configuration

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getOIDCKeys: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The keys in JSON web key format

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineContainerLog: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            log_uuid: string;
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            log_uuid: string;
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          log_uuid: string;
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlylog_uuid: string

        For the main build container specify the step UUID; for a service container specify the service container UUID

      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The raw log file for the build container or service container.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository, pipeline, step or log exist for the provided path.

      • content: {
            application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly {
                        source: string;
                        uri: string;
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: {
                        type: "account";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        display_name?: string;
                        links?: (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                    links?: {
                        type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_target";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    trigger?: {
                        type: "pipeline_trigger";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        key?: (...) | (...);
                        secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                        uuid?: (...) | (...);
                        value?: (...) | (...);
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The pipeline UUID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly {
                        source: string;
                        uri: string;
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: {
                        type: "account";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        display_name?: string;
                        links?: (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                    links?: {
                        type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_target";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    trigger?: {
                        type: "pipeline_trigger";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                        key?: (...) | (...);
                        secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                        uuid?: (...) | (...);
                        value?: (...) | (...);
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  build_number?: number;
                  build_seconds_used?: number;
                  completed_on?: string;
                  configuration_sources?: readonly {
                      source: string;
                      uri: string;
                  created_on?: string;
                  creator?: {
                      type: "account";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      display_name?: string;
                      links?: (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
                  links?: {
                      type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  repository?: {
                      type: "repository";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      description?: string;
                      fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                      full_name?: string;
                      has_issues?: boolean;
                      has_wiki?: boolean;
                      is_private?: boolean;
                      language?: string;
                      links?: {
                          avatar?: ...;
                          clone?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          downloads?: ...;
                          forks?: ...;
                          hooks?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          pullrequests?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                          watchers?: ...;
                      mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      name?: string;
                      owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                      project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      scm?: "git";
                      size?: number;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
                  state?: {
                      type: "pipeline_state";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  target?: {
                      type: "pipeline_target";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  trigger?: {
                      type: "pipeline_trigger";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  uuid?: string;
                  variables?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                      key?: (...) | (...);
                      secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      uuid?: (...) | (...);
                      value?: (...) | (...);
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The pipeline.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                build_number?: number;
                build_seconds_used?: number;
                completed_on?: string;
                configuration_sources?: readonly {
                    source: string;
                    uri: string;
                created_on?: string;
                creator?: {
                    type: "account";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    display_name?: string;
                    links?: (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
                links?: {
                    type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: ...;
                        clone?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        downloads?: ...;
                        forks?: ...;
                        hooks?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        pullrequests?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                        watchers?: ...;
                    mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "pipeline_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_target";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                trigger?: {
                    type: "pipeline_trigger";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                uuid?: string;
                variables?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    key?: (...) | (...);
                    secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                    uuid?: (...) | (...);
                    value?: (...) | (...);
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              build_number?: number;
              build_seconds_used?: number;
              completed_on?: string;
              configuration_sources?: readonly {
                  source: string;
                  uri: string;
              created_on?: string;
              creator?: {
                  type: "account";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  display_name?: string;
                  links?: (...) & (...);
                  uuid?: string;
              links?: {
                  type: "pipelines_pipeline_links";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  self?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  steps?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
              repository?: {
                  type: "repository";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                  full_name?: string;
                  has_issues?: boolean;
                  has_wiki?: boolean;
                  is_private?: boolean;
                  language?: string;
                  links?: {
                      avatar?: ...;
                      clone?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      downloads?: ...;
                      forks?: ...;
                      hooks?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      pullrequests?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                      watchers?: ...;
                  mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  name?: string;
                  owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                  project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  scm?: "git";
                  size?: number;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
              state?: {
                  type: "pipeline_state";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              target?: {
                  type: "pipeline_target";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              trigger?: {
                  type: "pipeline_trigger";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              uuid?: string;
              variables?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<(...) & (...), "type"> & Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                  key?: (...) | (...);
                  secured?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  uuid?: (...) | (...);
                  value?: (...) | (...);
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository or pipeline with the UUID provided exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelinesForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        build_number?: number;
                        build_seconds_used?: number;
                        completed_on?: string;
                        configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                        created_on?: string;
                        creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                        variables?: readonly (...)[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        build_number?: number;
                        build_seconds_used?: number;
                        completed_on?: string;
                        configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                        created_on?: string;
                        creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
                        variables?: readonly (...)[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      build_number?: number;
                      build_seconds_used?: number;
                      completed_on?: string;
                      configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                      created_on?: string;
                      creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
                      variables?: readonly (...)[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The matching pipelines.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    build_number?: number;
                    build_seconds_used?: number;
                    completed_on?: string;
                    configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                    created_on?: string;
                    creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
                    variables?: readonly (...)[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  build_number?: number;
                  build_seconds_used?: number;
                  completed_on?: string;
                  configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                  created_on?: string;
                  creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  uuid?: string;
                  variables?: readonly (...)[];
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                build_number?: number;
                build_seconds_used?: number;
                completed_on?: string;
                configuration_sources?: readonly (...)[];
                created_on?: string;
                creator?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                links?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                repository?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                target?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                trigger?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                uuid?: string;
                variables?: readonly (...)[];

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineStepForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_step";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    completed_on?: string;
                    image?: {
                        email?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        password?: string;
                        username?: string;
                    script_commands?: readonly {
                        command?: string;
                        name?: string;
                    setup_commands?: readonly {
                        command?: string;
                        name?: string;
                    started_on?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_step_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_step";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    completed_on?: string;
                    image?: {
                        email?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        password?: string;
                        username?: string;
                    script_commands?: readonly {
                        command?: string;
                        name?: string;
                    setup_commands?: readonly {
                        command?: string;
                        name?: string;
                    started_on?: string;
                    state?: {
                        type: "pipeline_step_state";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_step";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  completed_on?: string;
                  image?: {
                      email?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      password?: string;
                      username?: string;
                  script_commands?: readonly {
                      command?: string;
                      name?: string;
                  setup_commands?: readonly {
                      command?: string;
                      name?: string;
                  started_on?: string;
                  state?: {
                      type: "pipeline_step_state";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The step.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_step";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                completed_on?: string;
                image?: {
                    email?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    password?: string;
                    username?: string;
                script_commands?: readonly {
                    command?: string;
                    name?: string;
                setup_commands?: readonly {
                    command?: string;
                    name?: string;
                started_on?: string;
                state?: {
                    type: "pipeline_step_state";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_step";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              completed_on?: string;
              image?: {
                  email?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  password?: string;
                  username?: string;
              script_commands?: readonly {
                  command?: string;
                  name?: string;
              setup_commands?: readonly {
                  command?: string;
                  name?: string;
              started_on?: string;
              state?: {
                  type: "pipeline_step_state";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository, pipeline or step with the UUID provided exists for the pipeline with the UUID provided.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineStepLogForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        304: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        416: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        304: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        416: {
            content: {
                application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The raw log file for this pipeline step.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly304: {
          content: {
              application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The log has the same etag as the provided If-None-Match header.

      • content: {
            application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A pipeline with the given UUID does not exist, a step with the given UUID does not exist in the pipeline or a log file does not exist for the given step.

      • content: {
            application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly416: {
          content: {
              application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The requested range does not exist for requests that specified the HTTP Range header.

      • content: {
            application/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/octet-stream: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineStepsForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_step";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        completed_on?: string;
                        image?: {
                            email?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            password?: ...;
                            username?: ...;
                        script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                        setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                        started_on?: string;
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_step";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        completed_on?: string;
                        image?: {
                            email?: ...;
                            name?: ...;
                            password?: ...;
                            username?: ...;
                        script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                        setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                        started_on?: string;
                        state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_step";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      completed_on?: string;
                      image?: {
                          email?: ...;
                          name?: ...;
                          password?: ...;
                          username?: ...;
                      script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                      setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                      started_on?: string;
                      state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The steps.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_step";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    completed_on?: string;
                    image?: {
                        email?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        password?: ...;
                        username?: ...;
                    script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                    setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                    started_on?: string;
                    state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_step";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  completed_on?: string;
                  image?: {
                      email?: ...;
                      name?: ...;
                      password?: ...;
                      username?: ...;
                  script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                  setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                  started_on?: string;
                  state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_step";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                completed_on?: string;
                image?: {
                    email?: ...;
                    name?: ...;
                    password?: ...;
                    username?: ...;
                script_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                setup_commands?: readonly (...)[];
                started_on?: string;
                state?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineTestReports: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      A summary of test reports for this pipeline step.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository, pipeline, step or test reports exist for the provided path.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineTestReportTestCaseReasons: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            test_case_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            test_case_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          test_case_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlytest_case_uuid: string

        The UUID of the test case.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Test case reasons (output).

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository, pipeline, step or test case with the UUID provided exists for the pipeline with the UUID provided.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineTestReportTestCases: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            step_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          step_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlystep_uuid: string

        The UUID of the step.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Test cases for this pipeline step.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository, pipeline, step or test reports exist for the provided path.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariableForTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to retrieve.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariableForUser: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to retrieve.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to retrieve.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariablesForTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      secured?: boolean;
                      uuid?: string;
                      value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The found account level variables.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariablesForUser: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      secured?: boolean;
                      uuid?: string;
                      value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The found user level variables.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPipelineVariablesForWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      secured?: boolean;
                      uuid?: string;
                      value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The found workspace level variables.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          pullrequest_id: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlypullrequest_id: string

        The pull request ID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The value of the property.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getPullrequestsForCommit: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pullrequest";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        close_source_branch?: boolean;
                        closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        comment_count?: number;
                        created_on?: string;
                        destination?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                        id?: number;
                        links?: {
                            activity?: ...;
                            approve?: ...;
                            comments?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            decline?: ...;
                            diff?: ...;
                            diffstat?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            merge?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                        merge_commit?: {
                            hash?: ...;
                        participants?: readonly (...)[];
                        reason?: string;
                        rendered?: {
                            description?: ...;
                            reason?: ...;
                            title?: ...;
                        reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                        source?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                            | "DECLINED"
                            | "MERGED"
                            | "OPEN"
                            | "SUPERSEDED";
                        summary?: {
                            html?: ...;
                            markup?: ...;
                            raw?: ...;
                        task_count?: number;
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        202: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pullrequest";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        close_source_branch?: boolean;
                        closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        comment_count?: number;
                        created_on?: string;
                        destination?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                        id?: number;
                        links?: {
                            activity?: ...;
                            approve?: ...;
                            comments?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            decline?: ...;
                            diff?: ...;
                            diffstat?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            merge?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                        merge_commit?: {
                            hash?: ...;
                        participants?: readonly (...)[];
                        reason?: string;
                        rendered?: {
                            description?: ...;
                            reason?: ...;
                            title?: ...;
                        reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                        source?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                            | "DECLINED"
                            | "MERGED"
                            | "OPEN"
                            | "SUPERSEDED";
                        summary?: {
                            html?: ...;
                            markup?: ...;
                            raw?: ...;
                        task_count?: number;
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The SHA1 of the commit

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository; either the UUID in curly braces, or the slug

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: {
          page?: number;
          pagelen?: number;
      • Optional Readonlypage?: number

        Which page to retrieve

      • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

        How many pull requests to retrieve per page

  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pullrequest";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        close_source_branch?: boolean;
                        closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        comment_count?: number;
                        created_on?: string;
                        destination?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                        id?: number;
                        links?: {
                            activity?: ...;
                            approve?: ...;
                            comments?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            decline?: ...;
                            diff?: ...;
                            diffstat?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            merge?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                        merge_commit?: {
                            hash?: ...;
                        participants?: readonly (...)[];
                        reason?: string;
                        rendered?: {
                            description?: ...;
                            reason?: ...;
                            title?: ...;
                        reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                        source?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                            | "DECLINED"
                            | "MERGED"
                            | "OPEN"
                            | "SUPERSEDED";
                        summary?: {
                            html?: ...;
                            markup?: ...;
                            raw?: ...;
                        task_count?: number;
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        202: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pullrequest";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        close_source_branch?: boolean;
                        closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        comment_count?: number;
                        created_on?: string;
                        destination?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                        id?: number;
                        links?: {
                            activity?: ...;
                            approve?: ...;
                            comments?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            decline?: ...;
                            diff?: ...;
                            diffstat?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            merge?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                        merge_commit?: {
                            hash?: ...;
                        participants?: readonly (...)[];
                        reason?: string;
                        rendered?: {
                            description?: ...;
                            reason?: ...;
                            title?: ...;
                        reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                        source?: {
                            branch?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            repository?: ...;
                            | "DECLINED"
                            | "MERGED"
                            | "OPEN"
                            | "SUPERSEDED";
                        summary?: {
                            html?: ...;
                            markup?: ...;
                            raw?: ...;
                        task_count?: number;
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pullrequest";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      close_source_branch?: boolean;
                      closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      comment_count?: number;
                      created_on?: string;
                      destination?: {
                          branch?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          repository?: ...;
                      id?: number;
                      links?: {
                          activity?: ...;
                          approve?: ...;
                          comments?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          decline?: ...;
                          diff?: ...;
                          diffstat?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          merge?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                      merge_commit?: {
                          hash?: ...;
                      participants?: readonly (...)[];
                      reason?: string;
                      rendered?: {
                          description?: ...;
                          reason?: ...;
                          title?: ...;
                      reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                      source?: {
                          branch?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          repository?: ...;
                          | "DECLINED"
                          | "MERGED"
                          | "OPEN"
                          | "SUPERSEDED";
                      summary?: {
                          html?: ...;
                          markup?: ...;
                          raw?: ...;
                      task_count?: number;
                      title?: string;
                      updated_on?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The paginated list of pull requests.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pullrequest";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    close_source_branch?: boolean;
                    closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    comment_count?: number;
                    created_on?: string;
                    destination?: {
                        branch?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        repository?: ...;
                    id?: number;
                    links?: {
                        activity?: ...;
                        approve?: ...;
                        comments?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        decline?: ...;
                        diff?: ...;
                        diffstat?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        merge?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                    merge_commit?: {
                        hash?: ...;
                    participants?: readonly (...)[];
                    reason?: string;
                    rendered?: {
                        description?: ...;
                        reason?: ...;
                        title?: ...;
                    reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                    source?: {
                        branch?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        repository?: ...;
                        | "DECLINED"
                        | "MERGED"
                        | "OPEN"
                        | "SUPERSEDED";
                    summary?: {
                        html?: ...;
                        markup?: ...;
                        raw?: ...;
                    task_count?: number;
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pullrequest";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  close_source_branch?: boolean;
                  closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  comment_count?: number;
                  created_on?: string;
                  destination?: {
                      branch?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      repository?: ...;
                  id?: number;
                  links?: {
                      activity?: ...;
                      approve?: ...;
                      comments?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      decline?: ...;
                      diff?: ...;
                      diffstat?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      merge?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                  merge_commit?: {
                      hash?: ...;
                  participants?: readonly (...)[];
                  reason?: string;
                  rendered?: {
                      description?: ...;
                      reason?: ...;
                      title?: ...;
                  reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                  source?: {
                      branch?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      repository?: ...;
                      | "DECLINED"
                      | "MERGED"
                      | "OPEN"
                      | "SUPERSEDED";
                  summary?: {
                      html?: ...;
                      markup?: ...;
                      raw?: ...;
                  task_count?: number;
                  title?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pullrequest";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                close_source_branch?: boolean;
                closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                comment_count?: number;
                created_on?: string;
                destination?: {
                    branch?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    repository?: ...;
                id?: number;
                links?: {
                    activity?: ...;
                    approve?: ...;
                    comments?: ...;
                    commits?: ...;
                    decline?: ...;
                    diff?: ...;
                    diffstat?: ...;
                    html?: ...;
                    merge?: ...;
                    self?: ...;
                merge_commit?: {
                    hash?: ...;
                participants?: readonly (...)[];
                reason?: string;
                rendered?: {
                    description?: ...;
                    reason?: ...;
                    title?: ...;
                reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                source?: {
                    branch?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    repository?: ...;
                    | "DECLINED"
                    | "MERGED"
                    | "OPEN"
                    | "SUPERSEDED";
                summary?: {
                    html?: ...;
                    markup?: ...;
                    raw?: ...;
                task_count?: number;
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly202: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pullrequest";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      close_source_branch?: boolean;
                      closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      comment_count?: number;
                      created_on?: string;
                      destination?: {
                          branch?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          repository?: ...;
                      id?: number;
                      links?: {
                          activity?: ...;
                          approve?: ...;
                          comments?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          decline?: ...;
                          diff?: ...;
                          diffstat?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          merge?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                      merge_commit?: {
                          hash?: ...;
                      participants?: readonly (...)[];
                      reason?: string;
                      rendered?: {
                          description?: ...;
                          reason?: ...;
                          title?: ...;
                      reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                      source?: {
                          branch?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          repository?: ...;
                          | "DECLINED"
                          | "MERGED"
                          | "OPEN"
                          | "SUPERSEDED";
                      summary?: {
                          html?: ...;
                          markup?: ...;
                          raw?: ...;
                      task_count?: number;
                      title?: string;
                      updated_on?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The repository's pull requests are still being indexed.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pullrequest";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    close_source_branch?: boolean;
                    closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    comment_count?: number;
                    created_on?: string;
                    destination?: {
                        branch?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        repository?: ...;
                    id?: number;
                    links?: {
                        activity?: ...;
                        approve?: ...;
                        comments?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        decline?: ...;
                        diff?: ...;
                        diffstat?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        merge?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                    merge_commit?: {
                        hash?: ...;
                    participants?: readonly (...)[];
                    reason?: string;
                    rendered?: {
                        description?: ...;
                        reason?: ...;
                        title?: ...;
                    reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                    source?: {
                        branch?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        repository?: ...;
                        | "DECLINED"
                        | "MERGED"
                        | "OPEN"
                        | "SUPERSEDED";
                    summary?: {
                        html?: ...;
                        markup?: ...;
                        raw?: ...;
                    task_count?: number;
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pullrequest";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  close_source_branch?: boolean;
                  closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  comment_count?: number;
                  created_on?: string;
                  destination?: {
                      branch?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      repository?: ...;
                  id?: number;
                  links?: {
                      activity?: ...;
                      approve?: ...;
                      comments?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      decline?: ...;
                      diff?: ...;
                      diffstat?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      merge?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                  merge_commit?: {
                      hash?: ...;
                  participants?: readonly (...)[];
                  reason?: string;
                  rendered?: {
                      description?: ...;
                      reason?: ...;
                      title?: ...;
                  reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                  source?: {
                      branch?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      repository?: ...;
                      | "DECLINED"
                      | "MERGED"
                      | "OPEN"
                      | "SUPERSEDED";
                  summary?: {
                      html?: ...;
                      markup?: ...;
                      raw?: ...;
                  task_count?: number;
                  title?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pullrequest";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                author?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                close_source_branch?: boolean;
                closed_by?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                comment_count?: number;
                created_on?: string;
                destination?: {
                    branch?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    repository?: ...;
                id?: number;
                links?: {
                    activity?: ...;
                    approve?: ...;
                    comments?: ...;
                    commits?: ...;
                    decline?: ...;
                    diff?: ...;
                    diffstat?: ...;
                    html?: ...;
                    merge?: ...;
                    self?: ...;
                merge_commit?: {
                    hash?: ...;
                participants?: readonly (...)[];
                reason?: string;
                rendered?: {
                    description?: ...;
                    reason?: ...;
                    title?: ...;
                reviewers?: readonly (...)[];
                source?: {
                    branch?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    repository?: ...;
                    | "DECLINED"
                    | "MERGED"
                    | "OPEN"
                    | "SUPERSEDED";
                summary?: {
                    html?: ...;
                    markup?: ...;
                    raw?: ...;
                task_count?: number;
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Either the repository does not exist, or pull request commit links have not yet been indexed.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getReport: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly {
                        title?: string;
                            | "BOOLEAN"
                            | "DATE"
                            | "DURATION"
                            | "LINK"
                            | "NUMBER"
                            | "PERCENTAGE"
                            | "TEXT";
                        value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            reportId: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          reportId: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit the report belongs to.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • ReadonlyreportId: string

        Either the uuid or external-id of the report.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly {
                        title?: string;
                            | "BOOLEAN"
                            | "DATE"
                            | "DURATION"
                            | "LINK"
                            | "NUMBER"
                            | "PERCENTAGE"
                            | "TEXT";
                        value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "report";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  data?: readonly {
                      title?: string;
                          | "BOOLEAN"
                          | "DATE"
                          | "DURATION"
                          | "LINK"
                          | "NUMBER"
                          | "PERCENTAGE"
                          | "TEXT";
                      value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  link?: string;
                  logo_url?: string;
                  remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                      | "BUG"
                      | "COVERAGE"
                      | "SECURITY"
                      | "TEST";
                  reporter?: string;
                  result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                  title?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "report";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                data?: readonly {
                    title?: string;
                        | "BOOLEAN"
                        | "DATE"
                        | "DURATION"
                        | "LINK"
                        | "NUMBER"
                        | "PERCENTAGE"
                        | "TEXT";
                    value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                link?: string;
                logo_url?: string;
                remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                    | "BUG"
                    | "COVERAGE"
                    | "SECURITY"
                    | "TEST";
                reporter?: string;
                result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "report";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              data?: readonly {
                  title?: string;
                      | "BOOLEAN"
                      | "DATE"
                      | "DURATION"
                      | "LINK"
                      | "NUMBER"
                      | "PERCENTAGE"
                      | "TEXT";
                  value?: Record<(...), (...)>;
              details?: string;
              external_id?: string;
              link?: string;
              logo_url?: string;
              remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                  | "BUG"
                  | "COVERAGE"
                  | "SECURITY"
                  | "TEST";
              reporter?: string;
              result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
              title?: string;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The report with the given ID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getReportsForCommit: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "report";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        data?: readonly (...)[];
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        link?: string;
                        logo_url?: string;
                        remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                            | "BUG"
                            | "COVERAGE"
                            | "SECURITY"
                            | "TEST";
                        reporter?: string;
                        result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            commit: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          commit: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit for which to retrieve reports.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "report";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        data?: readonly (...)[];
                        details?: string;
                        external_id?: string;
                        link?: string;
                        logo_url?: string;
                        remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                            | "BUG"
                            | "COVERAGE"
                            | "SECURITY"
                            | "TEST";
                        reporter?: string;
                        result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                        title?: string;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "report";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      data?: readonly (...)[];
                      details?: string;
                      external_id?: string;
                      link?: string;
                      logo_url?: string;
                      remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                          | "BUG"
                          | "COVERAGE"
                          | "SECURITY"
                          | "TEST";
                      reporter?: string;
                      result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                      title?: string;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;


      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "report";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    data?: readonly (...)[];
                    details?: string;
                    external_id?: string;
                    link?: string;
                    logo_url?: string;
                    remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                        | "BUG"
                        | "COVERAGE"
                        | "SECURITY"
                        | "TEST";
                    reporter?: string;
                    result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                    title?: string;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "report";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  data?: readonly (...)[];
                  details?: string;
                  external_id?: string;
                  link?: string;
                  logo_url?: string;
                  remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                      | "BUG"
                      | "COVERAGE"
                      | "SECURITY"
                      | "TEST";
                  reporter?: string;
                  result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                  title?: string;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "report";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                data?: readonly (...)[];
                details?: string;
                external_id?: string;
                link?: string;
                logo_url?: string;
                remote_link_enabled?: boolean;
                    | "BUG"
                    | "COVERAGE"
                    | "SECURITY"
                    | "TEST";
                reporter?: string;
                result?: "FAILED" | "PENDING" | "PASSED";
                title?: string;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The value of the property.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineCacheContentURI: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            cache_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    uri?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            cache_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          cache_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlycache_uuid: string

        The UUID of the cache.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    uri?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  uri?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The cache content uri.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                uri?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              uri?: string;
          • Optional Readonlyuri?: string

            Format: uri

            The uri for pipeline cache content.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace, repository or cache_uuid with given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineCaches: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_cache";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        file_size_bytes?: number;
                        key_hash?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        path?: string;
                        pipeline_uuid?: string;
                        step_uuid?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_cache";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        file_size_bytes?: number;
                        key_hash?: string;
                        name?: string;
                        path?: string;
                        pipeline_uuid?: string;
                        step_uuid?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_cache";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      file_size_bytes?: number;
                      key_hash?: string;
                      name?: string;
                      path?: string;
                      pipeline_uuid?: string;
                      step_uuid?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The list of caches for the given repository.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_cache";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    file_size_bytes?: number;
                    key_hash?: string;
                    name?: string;
                    path?: string;
                    pipeline_uuid?: string;
                    step_uuid?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_cache";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  file_size_bytes?: number;
                  key_hash?: string;
                  name?: string;
                  path?: string;
                  pipeline_uuid?: string;
                  step_uuid?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_cache";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                file_size_bytes?: number;
                key_hash?: string;
                name?: string;
                path?: string;
                pipeline_uuid?: string;
                step_uuid?: string;
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineConfig: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipelines_config";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The account.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipelines_config";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipelines_config";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  repository?: {
                      type: "repository";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      description?: string;
                      fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                      full_name?: string;
                      has_issues?: boolean;
                      has_wiki?: boolean;
                      is_private?: boolean;
                      language?: string;
                      links?: {
                          avatar?: ...;
                          clone?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          downloads?: ...;
                          forks?: ...;
                          hooks?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          pullrequests?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                          watchers?: ...;
                      mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      name?: string;
                      owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                      project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      scm?: "git";
                      size?: number;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The repository pipelines configuration.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipelines_config";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: ...;
                        clone?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        downloads?: ...;
                        forks?: ...;
                        hooks?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        pullrequests?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                        watchers?: ...;
                    mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipelines_config";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              enabled?: boolean;
              repository?: {
                  type: "repository";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                  full_name?: string;
                  has_issues?: boolean;
                  has_wiki?: boolean;
                  is_private?: boolean;
                  language?: string;
                  links?: {
                      avatar?: ...;
                      clone?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      downloads?: ...;
                      forks?: ...;
                      hooks?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      pullrequests?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                      watchers?: ...;
                  mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  name?: string;
                  owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                  project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  scm?: "git";
                  size?: number;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          known_host_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyknown_host_uuid: string

        The UUID of the known host to retrieve.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_known_host";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  hostname?: string;
                  public_key?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      key_type?: string;
                      md5_fingerprint?: string;
                      sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The known host.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_known_host";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              hostname?: string;
              public_key?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  key_type?: string;
                  md5_fingerprint?: string;
                  sha256_fingerprint?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or known host with the specified UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineKnownHosts: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_known_host";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        hostname?: string;
                        public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_known_host";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        hostname?: string;
                        public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_known_host";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      hostname?: string;
                      public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The retrieved known hosts.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_known_host";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  hostname?: string;
                  public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          schedule_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyschedule_uuid: string

        The uuid of the schedule.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_schedule";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  cron_pattern?: string;
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  target?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                  } & Omit<{
                      type: ...;
                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      ref_name?: string;
                          | "branch"
                          | "tag"
                          | "bookmark"
                          | "named_branch";
                      selector?: undefined;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The requested schedule.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                cron_pattern?: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                } & Omit<{
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    ref_name?: string;
                        | "branch"
                        | "tag"
                        | "bookmark"
                        | "named_branch";
                    selector?: undefined;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_schedule";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              cron_pattern?: string;
              enabled?: boolean;
              target?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ref_target";
              } & Omit<{
                  type: ...;
              } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  ref_name?: string;
                      | "branch"
                      | "tag"
                      | "bookmark"
                      | "named_branch";
                  selector?: undefined;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or schedule was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineScheduleExecutions: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          schedule_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyschedule_uuid: string

        The uuid of the schedule.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The list of executions of a schedule.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[];
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_schedule_execution";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>)[]

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineSchedules: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_schedule";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        cron_pattern?: string;
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_schedule";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        cron_pattern?: string;
                        enabled?: boolean;
                        target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_schedule";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      cron_pattern?: string;
                      enabled?: boolean;
                      target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The list of schedules.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_schedule";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  cron_pattern?: string;
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_schedule";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                cron_pattern?: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineSshKeyPair: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    private_key?: string;
                    public_key?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    private_key?: string;
                    public_key?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  private_key?: string;
                  public_key?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The SSH key pair.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                private_key?: string;
                public_key?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              private_key?: string;
              public_key?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or SSH key pair was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to retrieve.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or variable with the specified UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
getRepositoryPipelineVariables: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly ({
                        type: "pipeline_variable";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        secured?: boolean;
                        uuid?: string;
                        value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly ({
                      type: "pipeline_variable";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      secured?: boolean;
                      uuid?: string;
                      value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The retrieved variables.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly ({
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly ({
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to the next page if it exists. The last page of a collection does not have this value. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Page number of the current results. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses.

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Current number of objects on the existing page. The default value is 10 with 100 being the maximum allowed value. Individual APIs may enforce different values.

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

            Link to previous page if it exists. A collections first page does not have this value. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses. Some result sets strictly support forward navigation and never provide previous links. Clients must anticipate that backwards navigation is not always available. Use this link to navigate the result set and refrain from constructing your own URLs.

          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Total number of objects in the response. This is an optional element that is not provided in all responses, as it can be expensive to compute.

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly ({
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                type: ...;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

            The values of the current page.

      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
retrieveUserHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The value of the property.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
searchAccount: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Readonlyquery: {
          page?: number;
          pagelen?: number;
          search_query: string;
      • Optional Readonlypage?: number

        Which page of the search results to retrieve

      • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

        How many search results to retrieve per page

      • Readonlysearch_query: string

        The search query

  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  query_substituted?: boolean;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly {
                      content_match_count?: number;
                      content_matches?: readonly {
                          lines?: ...;
                      file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                          attributes?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          escaped_path?: ...;
                          path?: ...;
                          type: ...;
                      path_matches?: readonly {
                          match?: ...;
                          text?: ...;
                      type?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Successful search

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                query_substituted?: boolean;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly {
                    content_match_count?: number;
                    content_matches?: readonly {
                        lines?: ...;
                    file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        attributes?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        escaped_path?: ...;
                        path?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    path_matches?: readonly {
                        match?: ...;
                        text?: ...;
                    type?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              query_substituted?: boolean;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly {
                  content_match_count?: number;
                  content_matches?: readonly {
                      lines?: ...;
                  file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                      attributes?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      escaped_path?: ...;
                      path?: ...;
                      type: ...;
                  path_matches?: readonly {
                      match?: ...;
                      text?: ...;
                  type?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlyquery_substituted?: boolean
          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Format: int64

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly {
                content_match_count?: number;
                content_matches?: readonly {
                    lines?: ...;
                file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                    attributes?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    escaped_path?: ...;
                    path?: ...;
                    type: ...;
                path_matches?: readonly {
                    match?: ...;
                    text?: ...;
                type?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      If the search request was invalid due to one of the following reasons:

      * the specified type of target account doesn''t match the actual
      account type;
      * malformed pagination properties;
      * missing or malformed search query, in the latter case an error
      key will be returned in `` property.
      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Search is not enabled for the requested user, navigate to to turn it on

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly429: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Too many requests, try again later

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
searchTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account to search in; either the username or the UUID in curly braces

    • Readonlyquery: {
          page?: number;
          pagelen?: number;
          search_query: string;
      • Optional Readonlypage?: number

        Which page of the search results to retrieve

      • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

        How many search results to retrieve per page

      • Readonlysearch_query: string

        The search query

  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  query_substituted?: boolean;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly {
                      content_match_count?: number;
                      content_matches?: readonly {
                          lines?: ...;
                      file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                          attributes?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          escaped_path?: ...;
                          path?: ...;
                          type: ...;
                      path_matches?: readonly {
                          match?: ...;
                          text?: ...;
                      type?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Successful search

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                query_substituted?: boolean;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly {
                    content_match_count?: number;
                    content_matches?: readonly {
                        lines?: ...;
                    file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        attributes?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        escaped_path?: ...;
                        path?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    path_matches?: readonly {
                        match?: ...;
                        text?: ...;
                    type?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              query_substituted?: boolean;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly {
                  content_match_count?: number;
                  content_matches?: readonly {
                      lines?: ...;
                  file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                      attributes?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      escaped_path?: ...;
                      path?: ...;
                      type: ...;
                  path_matches?: readonly {
                      match?: ...;
                      text?: ...;
                  type?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlyquery_substituted?: boolean
          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Format: int64

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly {
                content_match_count?: number;
                content_matches?: readonly {
                    lines?: ...;
                file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                    attributes?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    escaped_path?: ...;
                    path?: ...;
                    type: ...;
                path_matches?: readonly {
                    match?: ...;
                    text?: ...;
                type?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      If the search request was invalid due to one of the following reasons:

      * the specified type of target account doesn''t match the actual
      account type;
      * malformed pagination properties;
      * missing or malformed search query, in the latter case an error
      key will be returned in `` property.
      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Search is not enabled for the requested team, navigate to to turn it on

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly429: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Too many requests, try again later

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
searchWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            workspace: string;
        query: {
            page?: number;
            pagelen?: number;
            search_query: string;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The workspace to search in; either the slug or the UUID in curly braces

    • Readonlyquery: {
          page?: number;
          pagelen?: number;
          search_query: string;
      • Optional Readonlypage?: number

        Which page of the search results to retrieve

      • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

        How many search results to retrieve per page

      • Readonlysearch_query: string

        The search query

  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    next?: string;
                    page?: number;
                    pagelen?: number;
                    previous?: string;
                    query_substituted?: boolean;
                    size?: number;
                    values?: readonly {
                        content_match_count?: number;
                        content_matches?: readonly {
                            lines?: ...;
                        file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                            attributes?: ...;
                            commit?: ...;
                            escaped_path?: ...;
                            path?: ...;
                            type: ...;
                        path_matches?: readonly {
                            match?: ...;
                            text?: ...;
                        type?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        429: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  next?: string;
                  page?: number;
                  pagelen?: number;
                  previous?: string;
                  query_substituted?: boolean;
                  size?: number;
                  values?: readonly {
                      content_match_count?: number;
                      content_matches?: readonly {
                          lines?: ...;
                      file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                          attributes?: ...;
                          commit?: ...;
                          escaped_path?: ...;
                          path?: ...;
                          type: ...;
                      path_matches?: readonly {
                          match?: ...;
                          text?: ...;
                      type?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Successful search

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                next?: string;
                page?: number;
                pagelen?: number;
                previous?: string;
                query_substituted?: boolean;
                size?: number;
                values?: readonly {
                    content_match_count?: number;
                    content_matches?: readonly {
                        lines?: ...;
                    file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        attributes?: ...;
                        commit?: ...;
                        escaped_path?: ...;
                        path?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    path_matches?: readonly {
                        match?: ...;
                        text?: ...;
                    type?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              next?: string;
              page?: number;
              pagelen?: number;
              previous?: string;
              query_substituted?: boolean;
              size?: number;
              values?: readonly {
                  content_match_count?: number;
                  content_matches?: readonly {
                      lines?: ...;
                  file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                      attributes?: ...;
                      commit?: ...;
                      escaped_path?: ...;
                      path?: ...;
                      type: ...;
                  path_matches?: readonly {
                      match?: ...;
                      text?: ...;
                  type?: string;
          • Optional Readonlynext?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlypage?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlypagelen?: number

            Format: int32

          • Optional Readonlyprevious?: string

            Format: uri

          • Optional Readonlyquery_substituted?: boolean
          • Optional Readonlysize?: number

            Format: int64

          • Optional Readonlyvalues?: readonly {
                content_match_count?: number;
                content_matches?: readonly {
                    lines?: ...;
                file?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                    attributes?: ...;
                    commit?: ...;
                    escaped_path?: ...;
                    path?: ...;
                    type: ...;
                path_matches?: readonly {
                    match?: ...;
                    text?: ...;
                type?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      If the search request was invalid due to one of the following reasons:

      * the specified type of target account doesn''t match the actual
      account type;
      * malformed pagination properties;
      * missing or malformed search query, in the latter case an error
      key will be returned in `` property.
      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Search is not enabled for the requested workspace, navigate to to turn it on

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly429: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Too many requests, try again later

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
stopPipeline: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            pipeline_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          pipeline_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlypipeline_uuid: string

        The UUID of the pipeline.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The pipeline has been signaled to stop.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The specified pipeline has already completed.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      Either the account, repository or pipeline with the given UUID does not exist.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateCommitHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            commit: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          commit: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlycommit: string

        The commit.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateDeploymentVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to update.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

    The updated deployment variable.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "deployment_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "deployment_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "deployment_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "deployment_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The deployment variable was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "deployment_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "deployment_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository, environment or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateEnvironmentForRepository: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody?: undefined;
    responses: {
        202: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            environment_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          environment_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyenvironment_uuid: string

        The environment UUID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • Optional ReadonlyrequestBody?: undefined
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        202: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly202: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The environment update request was accepted.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      No account, repository or environment with the UUID provided exists.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updatePipelineVariableForTeam: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            username: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          username: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyusername: string

        The account.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or the variable was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updatePipelineVariableForUser: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            selected_user: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          selected_user: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or the variable was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updatePipelineVariableForWorkspace: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The workspace or the variable was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updatePullRequestHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            pullrequest_id: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          pullrequest_id: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlypullrequest_id: string

        The pull request ID.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryBuildNumber: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_build_number";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                next?: number;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_build_number";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    next?: number;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_build_number";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                next?: number;

    The build number to update.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_build_number";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              next?: number;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_build_number";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            next?: number;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_build_number";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    next?: number;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        400: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_build_number";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  next?: number;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The build number has been configured.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_build_number";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                next?: number;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_build_number";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              next?: number;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly400: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The update failed because the next number was invalid (it should be higher than the current number).

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account or repository was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        The repository container; either the workspace slug or the UUID in curly braces.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryPipelineConfig: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipelines_config";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: (...) | (...);
                        clone?: (...) | (...);
                        commits?: (...) | (...);
                        downloads?: (...) | (...);
                        forks?: (...) | (...);
                        hooks?: (...) | (...);
                        html?: (...) | (...);
                        pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                        self?: (...) | (...);
                        watchers?: (...) | (...);
                    mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        target?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    } & {
                        default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                        merge_strategies?: ...;
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        display_name?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        description?: ...;
                        has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                        is_private?: ...;
                        key?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        owner?: ...;
                        updated_on?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipelines_config";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipelines_config";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: (...) | (...);
                        clone?: (...) | (...);
                        commits?: (...) | (...);
                        downloads?: (...) | (...);
                        forks?: (...) | (...);
                        hooks?: (...) | (...);
                        html?: (...) | (...);
                        pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                        self?: (...) | (...);
                        watchers?: (...) | (...);
                    mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        target?: ...;
                        type: ...;
                    } & {
                        default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                        merge_strategies?: ...;
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        display_name?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: {
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                        created_on?: ...;
                        description?: ...;
                        has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                        is_private?: ...;
                        key?: ...;
                        links?: ...;
                        name?: ...;
                        owner?: ...;
                        updated_on?: ...;
                        uuid?: ...;
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;

    The updated repository pipelines configuration.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipelines_config";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              enabled?: boolean;
              repository?: {
                  type: "repository";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                  full_name?: string;
                  has_issues?: boolean;
                  has_wiki?: boolean;
                  is_private?: boolean;
                  language?: string;
                  links?: {
                      avatar?: (...) | (...);
                      clone?: (...) | (...);
                      commits?: (...) | (...);
                      downloads?: (...) | (...);
                      forks?: (...) | (...);
                      hooks?: (...) | (...);
                      html?: (...) | (...);
                      pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                      self?: (...) | (...);
                      watchers?: (...) | (...);
                  mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                      links?: ...;
                      name?: ...;
                      target?: ...;
                      type: ...;
                  } & {
                      default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                      merge_strategies?: ...;
                  name?: string;
                  owner?: {
                      type: ...;
                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                      created_on?: ...;
                      display_name?: ...;
                      links?: ...;
                      uuid?: ...;
                  parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                  project?: {
                      type: ...;
                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                      created_on?: ...;
                      description?: ...;
                      has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                      is_private?: ...;
                      key?: ...;
                      links?: ...;
                      name?: ...;
                      owner?: ...;
                      updated_on?: ...;
                      uuid?: ...;
                  scm?: "git";
                  size?: number;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipelines_config";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            enabled?: boolean;
            repository?: {
                type: "repository";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                description?: string;
                fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                full_name?: string;
                has_issues?: boolean;
                has_wiki?: boolean;
                is_private?: boolean;
                language?: string;
                links?: {
                    avatar?: (...) | (...);
                    clone?: (...) | (...);
                    commits?: (...) | (...);
                    downloads?: (...) | (...);
                    forks?: (...) | (...);
                    hooks?: (...) | (...);
                    html?: (...) | (...);
                    pullrequests?: (...) | (...);
                    self?: (...) | (...);
                    watchers?: (...) | (...);
                mainbranch?: Readonly<(...)> & {
                    links?: ...;
                    name?: ...;
                    target?: ...;
                    type: ...;
                } & {
                    default_merge_strategy?: ...;
                    merge_strategies?: ...;
                name?: string;
                owner?: {
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                    created_on?: ...;
                    display_name?: ...;
                    links?: ...;
                    uuid?: ...;
                parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                project?: {
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)> & {
                    created_on?: ...;
                    description?: ...;
                    has_publicly_visible_repos?: ...;
                    is_private?: ...;
                    key?: ...;
                    links?: ...;
                    name?: ...;
                    owner?: ...;
                    updated_on?: ...;
                    uuid?: ...;
                scm?: "git";
                size?: number;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipelines_config";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    repository?: {
                        type: "repository";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        created_on?: string;
                        description?: string;
                        fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                        full_name?: string;
                        has_issues?: boolean;
                        has_wiki?: boolean;
                        is_private?: boolean;
                        language?: string;
                        links?: {
                            avatar?: ...;
                            clone?: ...;
                            commits?: ...;
                            downloads?: ...;
                            forks?: ...;
                            hooks?: ...;
                            html?: ...;
                            pullrequests?: ...;
                            self?: ...;
                            watchers?: ...;
                        mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                        name?: string;
                        owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                        project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        scm?: "git";
                        size?: number;
                        updated_on?: string;
                        uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipelines_config";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  repository?: {
                      type: "repository";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      created_on?: string;
                      description?: string;
                      fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                      full_name?: string;
                      has_issues?: boolean;
                      has_wiki?: boolean;
                      is_private?: boolean;
                      language?: string;
                      links?: {
                          avatar?: ...;
                          clone?: ...;
                          commits?: ...;
                          downloads?: ...;
                          forks?: ...;
                          hooks?: ...;
                          html?: ...;
                          pullrequests?: ...;
                          self?: ...;
                          watchers?: ...;
                      mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                      name?: string;
                      owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                      project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      scm?: "git";
                      size?: number;
                      updated_on?: string;
                      uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The repository pipelines configuration was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipelines_config";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;
                repository?: {
                    type: "repository";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                    full_name?: string;
                    has_issues?: boolean;
                    has_wiki?: boolean;
                    is_private?: boolean;
                    language?: string;
                    links?: {
                        avatar?: ...;
                        clone?: ...;
                        commits?: ...;
                        downloads?: ...;
                        forks?: ...;
                        hooks?: ...;
                        html?: ...;
                        pullrequests?: ...;
                        self?: ...;
                        watchers?: ...;
                    mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                    name?: string;
                    owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                    project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    scm?: "git";
                    size?: number;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipelines_config";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              enabled?: boolean;
              repository?: {
                  type: "repository";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  fork_policy?: "allow_forks" | "no_forks" | "no_public_forks";
                  full_name?: string;
                  has_issues?: boolean;
                  has_wiki?: boolean;
                  is_private?: boolean;
                  language?: string;
                  links?: {
                      avatar?: ...;
                      clone?: ...;
                      commits?: ...;
                      downloads?: ...;
                      forks?: ...;
                      hooks?: ...;
                      html?: ...;
                      pullrequests?: ...;
                      self?: ...;
                      watchers?: ...;
                  mainbranch?: (...) & (...) & (...);
                  name?: string;
                  owner?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  parent?: ({ readonly type: "repository"; } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { readonly type: string; }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & { ...; }) | undefined;
                  project?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  scm?: "git";
                  size?: number;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryPipelineKeyPair: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                private_key?: string;
                public_key?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    private_key?: string;
                    public_key?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                private_key?: string;
                public_key?: string;

    The created or updated SSH key pair.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              private_key?: string;
              public_key?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            private_key?: string;
            public_key?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    private_key?: string;
                    public_key?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  private_key?: string;
                  public_key?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The SSH key pair was created or updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                private_key?: string;
                public_key?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_ssh_key_pair";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              private_key?: string;
              public_key?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or SSH key pair was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryPipelineKnownHost: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            known_host_uuid: string;
            repo_slug: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          known_host_uuid: string;
          repo_slug: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyknown_host_uuid: string

        The UUID of the known host to update.

      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;

    The updated known host.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_known_host";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              hostname?: string;
              public_key?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  key_type?: string;
                  md5_fingerprint?: string;
                  sha256_fingerprint?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_known_host";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            hostname?: string;
            public_key?: {
                type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                key_type?: string;
                md5_fingerprint?: string;
                sha256_fingerprint?: string;
            uuid?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_known_host";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    hostname?: string;
                    public_key?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                    } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                        type: ...;
                    }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        key?: string;
                        key_type?: string;
                        md5_fingerprint?: string;
                        sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_known_host";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  hostname?: string;
                  public_key?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                  } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                      type: ...;
                  }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      key?: string;
                      key_type?: string;
                      md5_fingerprint?: string;
                      sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The known host was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_known_host";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                hostname?: string;
                public_key?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
                } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                    type: ...;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    key_type?: string;
                    md5_fingerprint?: string;
                    sha256_fingerprint?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_known_host";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              hostname?: string;
              public_key?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ssh_public_key";
              } & Omit<Readonly<(...)> & {
                  type: ...;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  key_type?: string;
                  md5_fingerprint?: string;
                  sha256_fingerprint?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or known host with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryPipelineSchedule: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule_put_request_body";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            schedule_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          schedule_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyschedule_uuid: string

        The uuid of the schedule.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule_put_request_body";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                enabled?: boolean;

    The schedule to update.

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_schedule_put_request_body";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              enabled?: boolean;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_schedule_put_request_body";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            enabled?: boolean;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_schedule";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    created_on?: string;
                    cron_pattern?: string;
                    enabled?: boolean;
                    target?: {
                        type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                    } & Omit<{
                        type: ...;
                    } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                        commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                        ref_name?: string;
                            | "branch"
                            | "tag"
                            | "bookmark"
                            | "named_branch";
                        selector?: undefined;
                    updated_on?: string;
                    uuid?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_schedule";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  created_on?: string;
                  cron_pattern?: string;
                  enabled?: boolean;
                  target?: {
                      type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                  } & Omit<{
                      type: ...;
                  } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                      commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                      ref_name?: string;
                          | "branch"
                          | "tag"
                          | "bookmark"
                          | "named_branch";
                      selector?: undefined;
                  updated_on?: string;
                  uuid?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The schedule is updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_schedule";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                created_on?: string;
                cron_pattern?: string;
                enabled?: boolean;
                target?: {
                    type: "pipeline_ref_target";
                } & Omit<{
                    type: ...;
                } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                    ref_name?: string;
                        | "branch"
                        | "tag"
                        | "bookmark"
                        | "named_branch";
                    selector?: undefined;
                updated_on?: string;
                uuid?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_schedule";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              created_on?: string;
              cron_pattern?: string;
              enabled?: boolean;
              target?: {
                  type: "pipeline_ref_target";
              } & Omit<{
                  type: ...;
              } & Omit<(...), (...)> & Readonly<(...)>, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  commit?: (...) & (...) & (...) & (...);
                  ref_name?: string;
                      | "branch"
                      | "tag"
                      | "bookmark"
                      | "named_branch";
                  selector?: undefined;
              updated_on?: string;
              uuid?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or schedule was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateRepositoryPipelineVariable: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
    responses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            repo_slug: string;
            variable_uuid: string;
            workspace: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          repo_slug: string;
          variable_uuid: string;
          workspace: string;
      • Readonlyrepo_slug: string

        The repository.

      • Readonlyvariable_uuid: string

        The UUID of the variable to update.

      • Readonlyworkspace: string

        This can either be the workspace ID (slug) or the workspace UUID surrounded by curly-braces, for example {workspace UUID}.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;

    The updated variable

    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • Readonlyapplication/json: {
            type: "pipeline_variable";
        } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            type: string;
        }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            key?: string;
            secured?: boolean;
            uuid?: string;
            value?: string;
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        200: {
            content: {
                application/json: {
                    type: "pipeline_variable";
                } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    type: string;
                }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    key?: string;
                    secured?: boolean;
                    uuid?: string;
                    value?: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
        404: {
            content: {
                application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                    error?: {
                        data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                        detail?: string;
                        message: string;
                    type: string;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly200: {
          content: {
              application/json: {
                  type: "pipeline_variable";
              } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  type: string;
              }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  key?: string;
                  secured?: boolean;
                  uuid?: string;
                  value?: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The variable was updated.

      • content: {
            application/json: {
                type: "pipeline_variable";
            } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                type: string;
            }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                key?: string;
                secured?: boolean;
                uuid?: string;
                value?: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: {
              type: "pipeline_variable";
          } & Omit<Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              type: string;
          }, "type"> & Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              key?: string;
              secured?: boolean;
              uuid?: string;
              value?: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
    • Readonly404: {
          content: {
              application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                  error?: {
                      data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                      detail?: string;
                      message: string;
                  type: string;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      The account, repository or variable with the given UUID was not found.

      • content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                error?: {
                    data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                    detail?: string;
                    message: string;
                type: string;
        • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              error?: {
                  data?: Readonly<Record<(...), (...)>>;
                  detail?: string;
                  message: string;
              type: string;
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>
updateUserHostedPropertyValue: {
    parameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    requestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    responses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

Type declaration

  • Readonlyparameters: {
        cookie?: undefined;
        header?: undefined;
        path: {
            app_key: string;
            property_name: string;
            selected_user: string;
        query?: undefined;
    • Optional Readonlycookie?: undefined
    • Optional Readonlyheader?: undefined
    • Readonlypath: {
          app_key: string;
          property_name: string;
          selected_user: string;
      • Readonlyapp_key: string

        The key of the Connect app.

      • Readonlyproperty_name: string

        The name of the property.

      • Readonlyselected_user: string

        Either the UUID of the account surrounded by curly-braces, for example {account UUID}, OR an Atlassian Account ID.

    • Optional Readonlyquery?: undefined
  • ReadonlyrequestBody: {
        content: {
            application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
                _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
    • Readonlycontent: {
          application/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
              _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
      • Readonlyapplication/json: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>> & {
            _attributes?: readonly ("public" | "read_only")[];
  • Readonlyresponses: {
        204: {
            content?: undefined;
            headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;
    • Readonly204: {
          content?: undefined;
          headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>;

      An empty response.

      • Optionalcontent?: undefined
      • headers: Readonly<Record<string, unknown>>